Category: Batik

  • Kopi Pecah Pour Over Set

    Kopi Pecah Pour Over Set

    Kopi Pecah means broken coffee bean. This set is inspired by a type of batik pattern from Banyuwangi, Java, Indonesia. It symbolizes sacrifice. I thought quite a bit when creating this set. I took the pattern and made it in pink to provide modern and chic touch. I made the top and the bottom pattern…

  • Mega mendung (clouds)

    Mega mendung (clouds)

    Mega mendung inspired pots are here. What is Mega mendung, you ask? Mega mendung (clouds) is an Indonesian batik pattern from Cirebon, West Java. It also happens to be my mom’s favorite pattern (I think? She mentions it all the time). Once she knows I’m going to make batik patterns on my pots, she got…