Mega mendung inspired pots are here. What is Mega mendung, you ask?
Mega mendung (clouds) is an Indonesian batik pattern from Cirebon, West Java. It also happens to be my mom’s favorite pattern (I think? She mentions it all the time). Once she knows I’m going to make batik patterns on my pots, she got very excited and sent me several Mega mendung patterns as inspirations.
So I did sgraffito on a cup that I wheel-threw. It was a Cone 10 white clay body with sky blue studio slip. I think the clay body is by Aardvark but I remember it’s called Vanilla. It definitely has grog.

Here’s another one, a hemispherical vase. The clay body is Laguna Clay’s BMix Cone 10, with studio dark blue slip.

I think in both cases, I should have applied 2 layers of slip. Something I learned.